At one point in all of our lives, we have either deleted important messages we received by accident, or lost all our whatsapp conversations, and maybe even wished we knew how to find an important message on discord, telegram, or even a Web3 communication app we were using. Well this has now been resolved with the advent of a Web3 blockchain enabled, ‘Eternal Message’
Today more than 3 billion people worldwide are using messaging apps, sending an average of 145 billion messages every day. While the majority of these messages are insignificant, some are very important to those sending and receiving them.
While Web3 messaging apps have come to resolve the issues of security and privacy, as well as offer fully encrypted and stored messages on the blockchain, yet none of them has thought about eternally capturing those we deem important so we can retrieve them easily later on.
In an interview with LaraontheBlock Mohamed Abdou Founder and CEO of Egyptian headquartered and UAE based Pravica, developers of a Web 3.0 Blockchain communication platform, highlighted the innovation that will save those very previous messages whether personal, business related or potentially those of historical significance , he explained,“ In both of our Web3 crypto native Pravica messenger and Pravica Club group chat platforms, we have developed a solution that allows users to save their text messages forever on the blockchain in the form of NFTs. We call it the eternal message.”
Explaining how it works, he adds, “Users can take pieces of their conversations and put it in plain text on the blockchain. The piece of conversation will be converted into a single transaction ID that users can share with anyone. It will forever be on the blockchain and can be verified and shown as a Proof of Chat.”
These minted text extracts of 1024 characters, called eternal messages, can be minted into NFTs (Non Fungible token). Eternal messages, which can not only save and engrave personal moments, like the first time someone said I love you, or a marriage proposal, but can also be used in business transactions, forged through a chat or even a historical statement made in a historical moment addressed to a community or group.
So for example in the historical moment when Ethereum merged successfully, Vitalik statements to the entire Ethereum community could have been engraved eternally on the blockchain, so future generations could bear witness to the achievement decades from now.
With more and more business conversations happening on Web2 and Web 3 messaging platforms, deals, transactions, and partnerships will most probably be minted into eternal messages.
Pravica revealed the ‘Eternal message feature’ during their launch of the first DcFi (Decentralized Communications and Finance) platform, the Pravica Club, at CV Summit 2022, hosted by CV Labs in Switzerland. Back in 2021, CV VC Labs had invested in Pravica.
Pravica applications, built on Stacks Blockchain and secured by Bitcoin, developed and launched a completely decentralized Web 3.0 communications platform utilized by both enterprise and individuals.
The DcFi platform allows for Web3 and native crypto conversations with seamless in chat payments, stacking pools similar to DeFi applications out there.
The CEO noted, “We are empowering the Web 3 creator economy. This is especially relevant in the era of the metaverse where individuals will need decentralized identities, secure communications and P2P financial transactions as well as features such as eternal messages. This is a gateway towards a truly Web 3.0 creators economy.”