In a recent tweet, Qatar’s AhliBank warned customers against, trading, buying and selling virtual assets and currencies through accounts and banking services, citing the reasons as being associated with high risks.

According to the statement, “The regulators have banned trading, buying and selling virtual assets and currencies through accounts and banking services, as they are associated with high risks. Please be careful and don’t deal with any person or entity that provides trading services in virtual assets and currencies through your bank account and banking services, to avoid any risks that may arise as a result of trading in these virtual assets and currencies. “

The statement reflects the growing interest in clients for trading in virtual assets, while the regulatory authorities in Qatar specifically the Central Bank have yet to regulate this sector or introduce crypto exchange licenses. 

In 2022, CoinMENA, crypto broker exchange had announced that it was now serving clients in Qatar, as does Binance and other international crypto exchange platforms. 

Yet Qatar has been moving forward both in Blockchain, DLT, and digital assets with the recent news coming from Qatar Financial Authority Center which has just finalized its digital assets framework.
