R3 which is a partner within the Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) Authority as part of the QFC Digital Assets Lab has announced that it will power tokenization projects across Qatar’s financial industry.
As per a Linkedin post, “This initiative signals Qatar’s bold ambition to become a leading innovator in the rapidly evolving landscape of digital assets. The Digital Assets Lab will be a hub for collaboration and innovation and provide a platform for transforming digital concepts into practical, industry-ready technologies.
R3 Founder and CEO, David E Rutter said, “Over the last year, R3 and QFC’s joint working groups have explored emerging regulatory paradigms and illustrated the benefit of nationally deploying DLT technology. We are honored that QFC Lab has chosen R3 as its trusted digital infrastructure provider. The QFC Digital Assets Lab enables participants, such as corporations, banks, and buy-side firms to explore use cases from proof of value to full production validation on Corda. As the base product for the QFC ecosystem, R3’s Corda will power tokenization projects across Qatar’s financial industry, supporting the issuance, transfer, and redemption of digital assets.”
R3 notes that it will continue to support the robust digital assets ecosystem in Qatar and building the digital financial markets.
R3 has been working with governments and banks across the GCC region on CBDC projects as well, including the UAE and KSA.