As the Blockchain ecosystem grows in the MENA region, Blockchain Hashgraph Association, an independent non-profit organization focused on building a vibrant innovative ecosystem for startups, enterprises, and government institutions leveraging the capabilities of Hedera Hashgraph  will be expanding into the UAE and launching Hashgraph Ventures out of Abu Dhabi’s ADGM ( Abu Dhabi Global Market) with several important large enterprise collaborations within the UAE. 

In an article in Khaleej Times, Kamal Youssefi, president of the board of The Hashgraph Association, emphasized UAE’s appeal for blockchain companies, citing its innovative regulatory framework, strong talent base and diverse community. He states in the article,  “I have just returned from the governing council meetings held at Google’s campus in San Francisco, and there was a consensus that the UAE’s innovative regulatory framework, strong talent base and diverse community make it an attractive destination for blockchain companies.”

Youssefi adds, “Dubai has become an important hub to support our activities in the region and grow Hedera Hashgraph ecosystem adoption in the Middle East.”

Hedera’s governing council members are Google, Dell, IBM, Boeing, Chainlink Labs, Deutsche Telekom, EDF (Électricité de France), LG Electronics, Ubisoft, University College London, with Middle East entities such as Zain Telecom.

Moreover in 2022, the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) Courts launched Tejouri, a global digital vault, on the Hedera Hashgraph network. The platform enabled the upload and secure storing of documents ranging from insurance contracts, title deeds, Wills, and financial certificates, to images and multimedia files and can be utilized by all individuals globally.

According to Youssefi, given that Hedera Hashgraph has been built from the ground up with enterprise and government use cases I mind, and given UAE’s ambitious blockchain plans, he sees Hedera Hashgraph as a perfect fit for the UAE.

This optimism extends to the entire MENA region. Youssefi states, “We’re extremely bullish on the continued growth of DeFi, gaming, trade finance, and other projects that can lower the costs and expand accessibility for millions of underserved people in the MENA region.”
