Lebanon wont get USAID if its not on the blockchain

Lebanon wont get USAID if its not on the blockchain

As the United States President Donald Trump overhauls USAID with a new name as well as a proposed integration with Blockchain, Lebanon whose USAID funds... Details
Central Bank of Bahrain seeks to see how banks can offer stablecoins in the future

Central Bank of Bahrain studies how banks can offer stablecoins in the future

The Central Bank of Bahrain, while still piloting CBDCs, is moving forward with its stablecoin and crypto payments strategy and is currently studying the possibility... Details
R3 DLT instrumental in UAE’s RAKBANK CBDC cross border transaction

R3 DLT instrumental in UAE’s RAKBANK CBDC cross border transaction

R3 announced on LinkedIn that it was thrilled about the success of UAE RAKBANK  in their first cross border CBDC transaction using mBridge in which... Details
RAKBANK executes international remittance using CBDC

RAKBANK executes international remittance using CBDC

The National Bank of Ras Al Khaimah (“RAKBANK”) has become one of the first banks in the United Arab Emirates to execute an international remittance... Details
Saudi Central Bank works with IMF on cost benefit analysis of wholesale CBDCs

Saudi Central Bank works with IMF on cost benefit analysis of wholesale CBDCs

The IMF (International Monetary Fund) has noted in its recent country report issued on Saudi Arabia: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report, that... Details
In collaboration with Dubai's virtual asset regulator, VARA, the 10th P2P Financial systems workshop

In collaboration with Dubai’s virtual asset regulator, VARA, the 10th P2P Financial systems workshop

In collaboration with Dubai's virtual asset regulatory authority ( VARA), The DLT Science Foundation will host the 10th P2P Financial Systems International Workshop (P2PFISY 2024).... Details
Central Bank of UAE and Seychelles cross border settlement's MOU will extend to CBDCs

Central Bank of UAE and Seychelles cross border settlement’s MOU will extend to CBDCs

The Central Bank of UAE, and the Central Bank of Seychelles have signed two MOUs (Memorandum of Understanding), to utilize local currencies in settling cross... Details
IMF: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE are in advanced CBDC stages

IMF: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and UAE are in advanced CBDC stages

In a recent IMF blog, the International Monetary Fund noted that almost two-thirds of countries in the Middle East and Central Asia are exploring adopting... Details
UAE Central Bank commences domestic CBDC payments

The Central Bank of UAE commences domestic CBDC payments phase

The Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE)is planning for phase two implementation for domestic CBDC payments after the Central Bank with the Bank for International... Details
Saudi Arabian Central Bank joins MBridge CBDC project

Saudi’s Central Bank joins CBDC project, Mbridge

As the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) announced that it had reached a minimum viable product stage, Saleh Algrayan, AI Advisor at Bank for International... Details