After the confusion and speculations surrounding the situation of UAE based Hayvn a digital asset focused financial institution, providing trading, asset Management, custody, and payments, Ahmed Ismail, Board Member & Co-Founder clarified a few facts to set the record straight and bring hope that the future is bright for Hayvn, and for the digital asset scene.

First and foremost Ismail firmly and unequivocally stated that client funds are totally safe and have not been touched and as such Hayvn continues to serve its clients with the utmost professionalism and care. He explained to LaraontheBlock, “Clients funds are safe globally. All our client’s funds are safe wherever they reside.”

Secondly the company under the intern leadership of Tim Grant ,CEO, Deus X Capital, Stuart Connolly CIO, Deus X Capital & HAYVN Board member and Ismael himself, are currently cleaning up house, setting their strategies for the company and looking to hire a CEO to replace Christopher Flinos.

Ismael stated, “We are firmly committed to Hayvn and to its success. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, yet despite this Hayvn is doing well. Its revenues were up in the past month and we are looking forward to hiring a new CEO to replace Flinos.”

In terms of the technical and technology issues in Hayvn, Ismael reaffirms that technically all things are running smoothly. He admits that there were glitches when they were migrating to the new platform, yet clients were made aware that this might happen and all things were handled and dealt with according to the highest modes of professionalism.

In terms of its regulatory status, Ismael reaffirms that Hayvn continues to be a globally regulated business through their entities in Australia, Cayman Islands and Lithuania.

In the final analysis while Hayvn has gone through a tumultuous experience, that doesn’t make it a failure yet. Companies throughout history have gone through ups and downs but what makes them survivors are the team of passionate dedicated individuals behind them.

If Binance, whose reputation and growth stemmed from one person, its founder and CEO CZ, and who had this year to face the SEC (Securities and Exchange Committee) and come out still alive and kicking, there is hope for digital asset, crypto companies everywhere.

2024 will be a pivotal year for Hayvn and its team; they will either come out stronger than before having learned from past mistakes and experiences, or they will fall into oblivion. Those following Hayvn closely for such a long time, can only wish them the former outcome.
