
In May 2023, the Jordanian government represented by Jordanian Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship ( MODEE)) commissioned the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia to draft a national blockchain policy for Jordan. Fast forward one year, and MODEE has officially launched a national blockchain network, called MODEE DLT ( Distributed Ledger Technology) to enhance e-government services.

Blockexe, which stands for Blockchain excellence and expertise, a company based out of Jordan that develops customized blockchain solutions has been chosen by MODEE to partner with it on the delivery of the national blockchain network. The aim of the network called MODEE DLT will be to enhance trust and transparency in governmental services.

MODEE will be integrated with Jordan’s government portal Sanad, to offer a decentralized and verifiable digital record of all Sanad transactions.

As per the press release on Petra news agency website, the initiative will bolster trust and streamline the integration of e-government services.

This is aligned with Jordan’s digital transformation Strategy, and will support Jordan’s goals of robust and trustworthy digital economy.

In the past there has been some news on blockchain projects and success stories within Jordan. One example is when Fresh Del Monte Produce a global integrated producer, distributor, and marketer of fresh and fresh cut fruits and vegetables acquired a 39 percent stake in Jordanian Blockchain driven food safety and traceability startup Decapolis. 

Additionally in 2024, Blockchain Center and Binance Academy came together to expand its Global University Outreach program to included Jordan based Al Ahliyya Amman University.