UAE Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (EO AML/CTF) and the Financial Monitoring Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FMA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  to enhance bilateral cooperation in the combatting of financial crimes with focus on virtual assets, public-private partnership (PPP), education and capacity building, and asset recovery.

Knowledge sharing will cover virtual assets, with both parties committed to improving regional and local understanding of the risks associated with ML/TF/PF related to virtual assets. It will also include public-private partnership initiatives with the counterparties agreeing to collaborate on the establishment of rules to exchange strategic and operational information between the public and private sectors to prevent and combat money laundering and terrorism financing risks.

Hamid AlZaabi, Director General of the EO AML/CTF, remarked that the signing of the MoU formalizes the commitment made by both countries to protect the integrity of the global financial system. “Effective strategic engagement and cooperation with international counterparties is essential in the fight against financial crime and is central to the UAE’s strategy. The signing of this Memorandum with the FMA in Kazakhstan is significant and comes at a time when the EO AML/CTF is working to strengthen its collaboration efforts with international partners over the long-term. We have decided to focus on four key areas to ensure that our coordination is targeted, allowing us to make a real impact in addressing the most pressing issues in AML/CFT today.”

Zhanat Elimanov, Chairman of the FMA, welcomed to MoU, and said, “This year the relationship between our countries in the AML/CFT field has reached a new level. We have managed to establish an effective exchange of strategic and operational information. This has contributed to the successful investigation of major cases on money laundering committed in our country. We are inspired by UAE’s achievements in implementing IT solutions in AML activities. With great respect, we will adopt this experience”.

IMF discussed its new draft methodology for the supervision of virtual assets during a recent fintech roundtable organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) staff, in collaboration with the UAE Executive Office of Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing. Interestingly the methodology project was financed by a number of countries including Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

In attendance were participants from 15 countries including Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

Hamid Al Zaabi, Director-General of the EO AMLCTF, stated, “The UAE continues to raise the effectiveness of its regulatory framework for VAs and VASPs to attract innovative firms and keep out illicit actors seeking to exploit the global financial system. We are delighted to partner with the IMF team to give supervisory authorities across the world the opportunity to strengthen international cooperation and be part of the design process of an important new methodology for VA/VASP supervision”.

Chady El Khoury, Deputy-Division Chief of the Financial Integrity Group within the Legal Department at the IMF, noted the broad consensus among participants on the need for urgent actions to mitigate the potentially significant ML/TF risks emerging from VA and VASPs.

He explained, “It is critically important that countries carry out robust AML/CFT risk-based supervision of VASPs, and that assessing the associated ML/TF risks is the starting point of an effective AML/CFT supervisory regime.”

Participants at the workshop identified a range of issues, including a lack of capacity and resources for supervisory agencies and data collection/analysis gaps. They agreed on the need for strong collaboration among AML/CFT supervisory agencies and upgrading existing ML/TF supervisory risk assessment models to accurately assess VA and VASPs.

In the absence of a clear solution to deal with data collection and related gaps, supervisors may need to rely on models that are more tuned into the inherent risks that VASPs pose with the decision on whether to incorporate data (e.g., transaction level analysis on VA flows) on a case-by-case basis. Finally, a more connected and active community for collaboration between AML/CFT VA and VASP supervisors would help countries to better understand and address cross-border ML/TF risks.

Over the coming months, IMF staff will follow up with participants and incorporate feedback on the methodology. Once finalised, the methodology will form part of the Legal Department of the IMF’s CD toolkit that the organisation will start providing to countries by mid-year 2025.

The methodology was developed under a project that is financed by a donor-supported Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland trust fund to finance CD in AML/CFT at the IMF with excellent support from the UAE to host the event.