Holon Global Investments Limited (Holon), a technology company aimed at creating a greener Web3 ecosystem, has signed partnership agreement with ArcLive Limited to deliver a solution to enhance energy performance and sustainable data management for both domestic and commercial premises.

Launching this strategic and promising collaboration, Holon and ArcLive signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the first day of the Dubai AI & Web3 Festival. Holon’s Managing Director Heath Behcncke and ArcLive’s Co-founder Nicholas Edwards were present to sign the agreement.

Holon, is a green, verifiable distributed data storage and computing company that operates energy-efficient, immersion-cooled edge data centers powered by renewable energy sources utilizing blockchain technology, Holon provides robust governance over the data stored in its systems, ensuring security and sustainability.

ArcLive specializes in the collection, storage, collation, analysis, and presentation of real-time data from various premises and buildings. By leveraging sensors and other hardware, ArcLive collects performance data to help customers analyze and improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.

This joint solution enables regulatory compliance with sustainable finance objectives and helps property owners and their lending banks achieve their decarbonization targets, all while being powered by green energy.

In addition Holon also entered into a partnership with Magma ,a platform that integrates 3D modeling with blockchain technology to enhance collaboration in real estate by exploring opportunities in decentralized data storage, tokenization of real estate assets, and the integration of blockchain technologies.

Holon and Magma aim to develop new solutions that enhance data privacy, ownership, and energy efficiency in building management. By combining their expertise, both companies will focus on creating secure, sustainable, and efficient data management options for residential and commercial properties.

Holon Global Investments Limited (Holon) officially appointed Michael Clark as its Global Holon Evangelist at the highly anticipated Dubai AI & Web3 Festival.

Michael, a renowned data scholar and industry advisor, will work closely with Heath Behncke, Holon’s Managing Director, to advance Holon’s pioneering roadmap for data custodianship, decentralized sustainable storage, and tokenization.

These partnership agreements comes weeks after Holon announced its presence with an office in the UAE.

Australian Web3 Holon, a pioneer in Web 3.0 and AI-driven data storage and compute, has set up a base in the UAE.

Based in Australia, Holon has been building their innovative technology since 2018, with the aim of becoming the world’s greenest Web 3.0 infrastructure company. Holon is working to establish a 100% verifiably green global data network and empower data ownership.

“Holon recognized early that Web 2.0’s legacy infrastructure would struggle with cybersecurity, data privacy, and resource consumption. Web 3.0, with its decentralized, open-source framework, offers solutions for creating secure, transparent, and efficient digital ecosystems,” said Heath Behncke, Managing Director. “The UAE, particularly Dubai, have emerged as global leaders in fostering technological innovation. The country’s comprehensive approach to regulation, policy, and infrastructure development makes it an ideal hub for Web 3.0 and AI advancements. Holon’s commitment to Web 3.0 aligns with its vision to drive innovation for a sustainable and equitable digital future.”

Holon’s approach to sustainable data innovation involves modular micro-data centers equipped with immersion cooling technology. These small, efficient units can be integrated into existing properties, reducing the need for large, energy-intensive data centers. By leveraging Web 3.0’s distributed and decentralized technologies, Holon can bring data storage and computing closer to the user, improving latency, security, and energy efficiency. Additionally, Holon’s solutions can be powered by green energy, with the added benefit of repurposing waste heat to offset property energy costs, making it a win-win for businesses and the environment.

The company noted that the growth of data is staggering, from 1 Zetabyte (ZiB) in 2010 to over 100 ZiB in 2020. With AI driving significant data consumption, it is forecasted that 75,000 ZiB of machine-generated data will be generated annually by 2040. This surge will require around 1,000 ZiB of enterprise storage, a 250-fold increase. However, this expansion comes with a rising carbon footprint, with data centers projected to consume 8% of global electricity by 2030.

Heath said, “The blend of AI and Web 3.0 is transforming data management, offering secure, verifiable, and efficient handling of large data sets. Web 3.0’s decentralized infrastructure meets AI’s demands for accuracy and security, fostering a global ecosystem essential for AI deployment. Holon is committed to leading the way in sustainable data innovation, ensuring a secure and prosperous digital future.”

The company is exploring new opportunities to support commercial real estate firms in repurposing their infrastructure to tap into the booming data market. By merging property and data infrastructure, Holon is set to create a new future for both industries, ensuring they are well-positioned to thrive in economic challenges.