The Dubai Virtual asset regulatory authority, has issued a formal letter of reprimand to OPNX the tokenized exchange for bankrupt crypto entities,  and its founders for carrying out virtual asset Exchange Services on an unregulated basis in Dubai; and for marketing, promoting and/or advertising OPNX services and its native token [FLEX] without the necessary permits from VARA.

Dubai virtual asset regulator in February 2023 became aware that OPNX exchange was soliciting, and collecting personal data from the public to participate in its new (to be launched) exchange. Through social media platforms, OPNX had been engaged in marketing the exchange without establishing warranted restrictions for residents of Dubai/UAE.

The announcement on VARA goes on to note, “Then on April 4th  OPNX launched the exchange on, providing VA Exchange services – a regulated activity under the VARA regime, without securing any regulatory licenses, and as such operating in contravention of local laws.”

As a result VARA issued several cease and desist orders for OPNX followed by the marketplacealert which was later followed with a  written Reprimand issued by VARA to OPNX; 4 founders (Mark Lamb, Sudhu Arumugam, Kyle Davies and Su Zhu); and CEO (Leslie Lamb).

With the continued lack of satisfactory remedial action by the responsible parties, VARA has stated that it is continuing to actively monitor the situation and investigate OPNX’s activity to assess further corrective measures that may be required to protect the market.

This action from VARA comes after OPNX has raised criticsm with some of its recently named investors distancing themselves and refuting investments in OPNX. 

OPNX CEO Lesli Lamb had announced the list of investors which included a saudi arabian investment firm. 
