Swiss MO:ME:NT a solution provider that instantly turns moments of public interest into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) through a fully automated API trigger has announced that UAE based Crypto Oasis Ventures has both invested and partnered with the project.

This strategic partnership will combine the Crypto Oasis Venture’s talent and capital with MO:ME:NT’s innovative ecosystem approach to the Sports and Marketing industry.

As per the release, Crypto Oasis Ventures has partnered and invested in MO:ME:NT and will be introducing it to the local Web3 ecosystem. MO:ME:NT will expand its horizons in the UAE with its NFTs of exciting moments that the world celebrates.

Ralf Glabischnig, Founder of the Crypto Oasis will join MO:ME:NT as an advisory board member.  He states, “We are delighted to have MO:ME:NT onboard to help them embrace opportunities that can transform the local Web3 space. We have always been early movers and believe Web 3.0 models like NFT, and Metaverse are going to be the key players in the next iteration of online business. MO:ME:NTs will be revolutionary as brands can harness their power to create meaningful connections with their audiences and drive value. As access keys to relevant real-life experiences, they offer an easy connection to the Metaverse using the limitless possibilities of virtual reality while complimenting the offering of our own venture Tokengate. These are exciting times and we are humbled and privileged to be a market driver in the region’s accelerating startup ecosystem.”

Precious moments from as an example sporting events are endorsed by the heroes behind the MO:ME:NTs, creating a one-of-a-kind collectible item. With MO:ME:NTs, users have the opportunity to buy, own, collect, and trade these special NFTs. This enables a new level of interactivity, ownership, collectability and utility. MO:ME:NTs not only serve as unique collectibles but they can also be easily enriched by the brands or individuals who were involved in creating the moment. 

By using MO:ME:NTs, these brands can build engaging communities and provide various relevant utilities to their followers, ultimately increasing the value of the MO:ME:NT to its holder. Brands can open up a world of new opportunities for their followers and create meaningful, immersive experiences in the real and virtual world driving engagement and value.

“We are excited to welcome Ralf to our advisory board,” said Rudy Banholzer, Co-Founder and COO of MO:ME:NT. “We are looking forward to working with the Crypto Oasis Ventures team as we continue to grow and innovate. This partnership represents a new chapter for both of us, and we are excited to see what the future holds. We are committed to helping brands provide their audiences with better, more relevant, and exciting experiences by seamlessly bridging the real and virtual worlds. By joining the Crypto Oasis Ecosystem, we hope to leapfrog ahead by expanding our prospects, creating value, and connecting with the broader Web3 community.”
