The Singapore headquartered,MRHB Network which provides interest-free DeFi, NFT and halal crypto asset opportunities has partnered up with Shari’ah Review Bureau (“SRB”), a Bahrain-based Shari’ah advisory firm, to independently assess and review its new product EMPLIFAI (Earnings Amplified with Algorithms & AI) which aims to provide Sharia-compliant passive income.   

“The MRHB ecosystem aims for a wide array of crypto-based DeFi solutions”, explained Naquib Mohammed, Founder and CEO of MRHB Network. “After a successful launch of the Sahal Wallet app, a multichain self-custodial digital wallet, we are pleased to present our new product to the Muslim community – a liquidity harvester product, EMPLIFAI which incorporates a Sharia-compliant mechanism and structure for users to invest and generate passive income.”  

EMPLIFAI is designed to generate income mainly from DeFi activities such as yield farming, liquidity mining, bridge protocol fees and arbitrage opportunities. It will be rolled out in two phases, namely V1 and Version Pro. V1 will be for retail users whereas Version Pro (in the pipeline) will be catered to institutional participants.  

DeFi (decentralized finance) is a rapidly growing sector within the digital asset industry. The value locked in DeFi protocols has grown from billions to tens of billions of dollars in just a few years, and the space is expected to continue its growth in 2023. 

Commenting upon the engagement with SRB, Naquib Mohammed said, “Bringing SRB on board to review, assess and eventually audit EMPLIFAI’s processes, legal documents and the passive income mechanism in light of Shari’ah further strengthen our trust for our shareholders and the users. SRB is one of the few Shari’ah advisory firms that works with fintech companies with a diverse product offering and we leveraged on their experience.”   

Yasser S. Dahlawi, Founder and CEO of SRB added, “EMPLIFAI product exhibits a growing trend in the community that seeks an alternative investment and return from blockchain asset class. We will continue to help MRHB in its product enhancement and Shari’ah compliance as it scales its offering in the blockchain sphere with Version 2.”

With the growing development and success of MRHB Network halal crypto ecosystem, MRHB is currently closing its bridge to Series A round from strategic partners and expanding to the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia before the close of 2023. 

Naquib Mohammed speaking to Laraontheblock states, “ I am extremely proud of the MRHB Shariah Team and the Engineering Team, to have successfully launched an industry first liquidity harvesting protocol that is tailored to address the faith based crypto community. Testament to our efforts is the approval stamp of the Central Bank of Bahrain regulated SRB, who certified our product and architecture without a single correction remark. This itself proves the high quality of the deliverable that the teams have succeeded in creating. Emplifai is a gift of MRHB to the world, where the halal oriented community can reap the benefits of DeFi, just not with compromising their beliefs , but also their principal amount. The nature of Emplifai is such that it preserves the defi user from the volatility of the crypto market, hence a relief to a newbie.”
