UAE regulated virtual asset broker dealer and investment management services, Laser Digital, a subsidiary of Nomura has launched their Bitcoin Adoption Fund.

The fund, which provides a seamless way for institutional investors to access the digital asset class, will be the first in a range of digital adoption investment solutions that Laser Digital Asset Management will bring to the market.

The Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption Fund, provides long-onlyexposure to Bitcoin whilst being one of the most cost effective and secure investment solutions.

To secure the fund’s assets, Laser will use Komainu, which was founded in 2018 by Nomura, Ledger and Coinshares and delivers a regulated custody solution for institutional digital asset investors. The Fund is a segregated portfolio part of Laser Digital Funds SPC, aSegregated Portfolio Company registered asa mutual fund pursuant to section 4(3) of the Mutual Funds Actwith CIMA (Cayman Islands Regulatory Authority).

On launching the fund, Sebastien Guglietta, Head of Laser Digital Asset Management commented: “Technology is a key driver of global economic growth and is transforming a large part of the economy from analogue to digital. Bitcoin is one of the enablers of thislong-lastingtransformational change andlong-termexposure to Bitcoin offers a solution to investors to capture this macro trend.”

Fiona King, Head of Distribution, Laser Digital Asset Management added: “We’re delighted to now launch our Bitcoin adoption fund, which allows institutional investors a secure path into digital asset investment that is backed by established finance, with the highest levels of risk management and compliance.”

Laser Digital was launchedby Nomura and was co-founded by Steven Ashley, who previously led Nomura’s wholesale division and Jez Mohideen, who was Nomura’s Chief Digital Officer andCo-Headof Global Markets EMEA. Headquartered in Switzerland, Laser Digital combines the rigor, best practices, and capabilities from global investment banking with the experience of a crypto-native team.
