Bitget crypto exchange to hire 60 staff for its regional Middle East headquarters eyeing UAE and Bahrain
Bitget, crypto derivatives exchange has expanded into the Middle East with plans to hire 60 new staff for its regional headquarters. Bitget is currently serving...

UAE Consultancy 10 Leaves accepts crypto payments
In a recent news piece, UAE based 10 Leaves consultancy firms has announced that it is accepting crypto payments.According to the announcement, 10 Leaves, through it’s technology...

US Department of Justice charges Moroccon national of stealing crypto an NFTs
In July 2023, the US Department of Justice on Monday charged a Moroccan national accused of impersonating OpenSea marketplace functions in order to make off with...

Blockchain and crypto are themes at UAE’s AI Camp
The UAE AI camp a five day camp organized by both the National Programme for Artificial Intelligence, in collaboration with the National Programme for Coders which...

ABO Digital commits to investing $10 million in Blocktrade after committing $200 million to Islamic Coin
After committing to invest $200 million in IslamicCoin issued by HAQQ Blockchain, a shariah compliant coin, Alpha Blue Ocean’s ABO Digital has invested $10 million potential investment...

The Mining Future, crypto mining hosting provider sets up headquarters in UAE
In a recent press release, The Mining Future, a Bitcoin and crypto mining hosting services, has set up its headquarters in the UAE. The reason...

UAE Crypto exchange Bitoasis clarifies that VARA’s market notification doesn’t impact their services
A day after Dubai’s virtual asset regulatory authority issued a market notificiation stating that it had taken enforcement actions against BitOasis and advised investors and consumers that...

Ripple report finds 87 percent of MENA financial decision makers confident in crypto industry
In Ripple’s latest report entitled “ 2023 New Value report, Crypto Trends in Business and Beyond” which covered topics such as cryptocurrencies, tokenization, DeFi, and crypto custody,...