UAE Technology Innovation Institute (TII), a leading global scientific research center and the applied research pillar of Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC), has launched a blockchain-powered carbon tracking and trading platform, which will facilitate international trade in carbon tokens. Verifiable and trustworthy carbon trading can play a vital role in driving green investment and accelerating the road to net zero emissions.

TII’s Cryptography Research Center (CRC) designed the new platform that aligns with both the UAE Vision 2021’s aim of fast-tracking a sustainable environment and achieving net zero as well as the goal of COP28 to “accelerate a transition that puts our economies on the path toward a new low-carbon, high-growth, sustainable economic model in a way that is both transformational and just. The platform will support the global carbon market and allow better tracking of carbon emissions and carbon emission trading. Using a lightweight, efficient blockchain implementation that is not computationally wasteful, as opposed to existing blockchain projects, tracking and trading activities can be verified publicly at little to no cost, either in carbon emissions or other resources. 

Dr. Ray O. Johnson, CEO, Technology Innovation Institute, said, “We are proud to announce this digitized tracking and trading platform at COP28, which represents the UAE’s drive to become a technology and innovation powerhouse and its commitment to leading the world’s climate action agenda. The UAE has provided the tool to ensure that trading can be done in confidence while mitigating human impact and maximizing the benefits to the environment.”

While other organizations are also developing digital carbon trading platforms, TII is the first to implement a blockchain-enabled Proof of Concept as it continues to prepare the platform for global trading. The platform will accurately track carbon emissions by registering the emissions from any worldwide public or private organization. Auditors can then establish a chain of trust from emissions from capture to storage to trading. These audited transactions can be made transparent while keeping intact the privacy of the user – emitter, buyer, or third party. 

TII’s new platform will allow for the creation of tokens that represent a quantity of carbon dioxide that has been removed from the environment. The token can then be stored and traded transparently and securely. The trade-in tokens will create incentives to drive investment in green projects such as forestation and carbon capture and allow entities to offset hard-to-decarbonize activities – further incentivizing green investment. Specifically, blockchain can track and trace products throughout their supply chain journey, enable peer-to-peer energy trading, and create a transparent and immutable ledger of waste disposal and recycling activities. It can also help track water and forestry management efforts.

The establishment of a global carbon credit market was approved at COP21 in Paris in 2015 and a supervisory body was set up to oversee its regulation. The entity aims to finalize its recommendations for approval during COP28, which will trigger a more robust international carbon market than currently exists.

By employing the use of PKI and advanced consensus algorithms, this blockchain solution ensures secure transactions without the resource-intensive proof of work algorithms, resulting in a seamless and eco-friendly network where the decentralized transactions can unfold minimal transactional impact.

Dr. Najwa Aaraj, Chief Researcher at TII’s Cryptography Research Center (CRC), said: “This tracking and trading platform was designed by our talented team of international experts and allows large numbers of verified users to carry out carbon tracking and trading transactions in confidence. It protects the integrity of the transactions and the privacy of the user while ensuring auditability and transparency, making it a perfect tool for a new era of confident carbon trading.”

The TII blockchain offers a verifiable multi-tenant, multi-transaction solution with public key infrastructure (PKI) permissioning built into its core design in addition to a high-security cryptographic stack. The blockchain features a consensus algorithm and a smart contract platform which are designed as pluggable components with integrated practical complex fault tolerance. The permission-based blockchain uses a lightweight, efficient implementation that makes it easy and affordable to transact, track, and trade.

The UAE Central Bank announced the result of the Cop28 UAE Techsprint, where UK Blockchain solution provider ZERO13, was recognized in the category of “Innovative blockchain solutions in sustainable finance to scale up climate action. ZERO13 blockchain driven platform facilitates issuance, trading, clearing and settlements of carbon credits linked to tangible ESG (Environmental Sustainable Goals) using interoperable blockchains and APIs.

As per ZERO13 website, ZERO13 is helping to achieve Net Zero by combining AI and blockchain to restore trust in carbon credit markets, addressing green washing, double counting, price transparency, vertical silos and market fragmentation.

UAE TechSprint launched by The UAE Central Bank, COP28 presidency, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the Emirates Institute of Finance (EIF); is a global initiative that promotes  technology innovation in scaling sustainable finance, aligned with the CBUAE’s goals to drive digitalization, advanced technologies, and sustainability in the financial sector.

COP28 UAE TechSprint attracted 126 proposals from across 31 countries, engaging participation of financial innovators and developers from around the world. Following the submissions of proposals, 15 finalist teams were shortlisted and presented their prototypes to an independent panel of judges who selected the best solution in each of the three categories below.

Other winners included Intensel, from Hong Kong,  which was recognized in the category of “Innovative artificial intelligence solution to scale up sustainable finance and climate action” with their climate analytics platform that leverages artificial intelligence, satellite imagery and climate and financial models to measure and translate climate hazards into financial risk at the asset level.

In addition to  Evercomm, from Singapore, which was recognized in the category of “Innovative IoT and sensor technology solutions in sustainable finance to scale up climate action” with their IoT-powered digital emission disclosures and verification for industrial emission reduction strategies supporting compliance and sustainability-linked financing.

The teams behind these solutions along with the shortlisted participants will each be eligible to receiving an award to help them fund further development.

His Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and COP28 President, said: “Effectively managing climate change demands finance that is both easily attainable, accessible, and economically feasible. I congratulate the teams behind these technological solutions aimed at fostering sustainable finance standards and instruments. These innovations have the capacity to enhance investor trust and more effectively channel capital to those most in need. COP28 remains steadfast in collaborating with its partners to implement tangible solutions, accelerating the expansion of climate action and expediting global initiatives for sustainable finance.”

His Excellency Khaled Mohamed Balama, Governor of CBUAE and Chairman of EIF, said: “The COP28 UAE TechSprint highlighted the crucial role of advanced technology innovations in sustainable finance to contribute to a more sustainable future. The initiative has brought to the fore innovative solutions from around the world that can be deployed to drive progress in scaling sustainable finance in line with CBUAE’s strategy with an emphasis on advancing digitalization, innovations, and sustainability in the financial sector. On behalf of the CBUAE, I am pleased to congratulate the participants for their innovative solutions and look forward to the impact of pioneering technological solutions to scale up sustainable finance.”

UAE Homegrown Fils fintech platform which employs blockchain launched prior to Cop28 to integrate sustainable values into the core of digital payments.

Fils aims to bring together buyers with capital and suppliers with high integrity carbon credits.

Nameer Khan, the founder of Fils and chairman of the Mena Fintech Association (MFTA), has designed along with his team a holistic, enterprise-grade B2B2C product offering, Fils leverages the power of leading technologies including Blockchain for its end-to-end infrastructure to transform various industries, including financial services, hospitality, and e-commerce.

This makes it easier for businesses to act on the core values of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), said Khan, adding that major partnerships with some of the leading names in the industry would be announced soon.

Khan said Fils is poised to transform the world of ESG, through an API-first digital payment infrastructure that makes sustainability a lifestyle and can be easily embedded into platforms across sectors. He stated, “Fils is a catalyst for the evolution of ESG enforcement and has the right team, technology, experience and expertise to lead the market. With our robust infrastructure, it spells the end of greenwashing and clears a path towards greater accountability and implementation of actionable outcomes that can improve the sustainability of the world we live in.”

Prior to this UAE Ghad Capital partners celebrated the launch of Fils which they stated employed blockchain and AI for a transparent secure payment infrastructure, supporting 17 UN SDGs.

UAE Enjinstarter launched in 2021 as a Launchpad, incubator, crowd funding, and advisory platform for Web3 metaverse, gaming, entertainment and impact and sustainable projects has announced the launch of AYA, ( means miracle in Arabic) dedicated to empowering innovators to tackle climate challenges.

“MENA is at the forefront of climate change, with temperatures expected to rise by 2.5 degrees by 2050. The UAE is emerging as a global leader in sustainability and Web3, attracting builders, investors, and climate warriors,” says Prakash Somosundram, our CEO.

With a focus on areas like reforestation, mangrove conservation, and sustainable agriculture, AYA aims to bridge the climate financing gap, offering a platform for high-impact startups to access innovative technologies, raise funds, and leverage tokenized carbon credits.

At the beginning of 2023, Enjinstarter appointed Vasseh Ahmed as the new Managing Director to lead the Web3 efforts in the MENA region. Vasseh spoke with LaraontheBlock discussing Enjinstarter’s plans to help companies reach their Web3 ambitions while positioning Enjinstarter as the go to provider for impact and sustainability projects.

In the interview Ahmed states, “Web3 has a major role to play in addressing the climate crisis. Carbon credits, in particular, can benefit from Web3’s underlying technology to increase transparency and accessibility. We want to support projects that are looking for ways to shift incentives away from exploitation and toward preservation and regeneration.”

In May 2023 EnjinStarter MENA, a web3 Launchpad and incubator, became the first Launchpad globally to receive initial approval by Dubai’s virtual asset regulatory authority.

UAE based Solarix Ventures is seeking to invest in Web3 technology entities and will be participatiog at the Abu Dhabi Family office Summit on the 23rd of November 2023.

The Central Bank of the UAE, and the Bank of international settleents along with Emirates Institute of Finance, have called innovators and developers to submit blockchain solutions for auditing, enhancing transparency, traceability and accountability in sustainable finance. The call comes unser the COP29 UAE TechSprint, an initiative aimed at promoting innovation in scaling sustainable finance and combating climate change. The launch of the COP28 UAE TechSprint comes ahead of the UAE’s hosting of COP28 later this year.

The initiative aims to encourage the participation of financial innovators and developers from global private and public sector entities in fast-tracking innovative technology solutions to address challenges in green and sustainable finance through technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Internet-of-Things (IoT), and sensor technologies across three problem statements:

AI solutions for sustainable finance reporting, verification, and disclosure in the financial services industry.

Blockchain solutions for auditing and enhancing transparency, traceability, and accountability in sustainable finance.

IoT and sensor technology solutions for sustainable finance to ensure informed assessments of impact or risk. 

His Excellency Khaled Mohamed Balama, Governor of CBUAE and Chairman of EIF, said: “In line with the vision of the UAE’s leadership, and its endeavors to address the challenges of climate change; we value the partnership with COP28 UAE and the BIS in launching this international initiative aimed at encouraging innovators across the globe to leverage financial technology in developing new green and sustainable finance solutions.”

Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS, said: “Combating climate change is more urgent than ever. It calls for a profound change in the way economies operate and grow. To finance the needed transformation, investors need certainty that their funds are channeled to their intended uses. Technologies that promote the timely measurement and disclosure of climate-related information are part of the solution. The BIS Innovation Hub has explored how to apply technologies such as AI, blockchain and internet-of-things to green finance instruments and climate-related disclosure. This TechSprint in collaboration with the COP28 UAE, the CBUAE and EIF will complement these efforts to address remaining gaps in the green finance market.”

The COP28 UAE TechSprint is open to technology and financial innovators and developers from around the world. To participate, please register at link and submit technology proposals to one or more problem statements by [Friday, 6 October 2023].

Shortlisted participants for each problem statement will be invited to further develop their solutions and will be eligible for a stipend of AED 45,000 (approximately USD 12,000)].

A winner for each problem statement will be selected by an independent panel of experts. The winners will be announced at COP28 UAE in December 2023, with each winner eligible for an award of [AED 220,000 (approximately USD 60,000)].

Crypto Oasis launched its crypto Oasis report for Q2 of 2023 announcing the Green Block initiative as part of its commitment to the UAE’s Environmentally Sustainable goals. This comes as the UAE hosts the COP28 in December 2023.

Crypto Oasis, a blockchain ecosystem fostering innovation in the UAE, has witnessed a significant growth in the blockchain crypto ecosystem in the UAE.

In its second edition of the Crypto Oasis Ecosystem report for Q2 2023, it noted that there were now over 1,800 organizations in the blockchain and crypto industry within the country with over 8,650 employees working in crypto blockchain, metaverse, and Web3 ecosystem.

The numbers are up from the ones shared in Crypto Oasis’s annual report of 2022 published in October. At that time there were 1,400 blockchain and crypto entities in the country employing 7000 people. This shows that 400 new entities registered their companies in the UAE over the past 8 months employing an extra 1,650 people in the sector.

In Crypto Oasis Q2 2023 report, native organizations made up 70.5% of total blockchain crypto entities, while in October 2022 report they stood at 66%. There has been an increase of 4.5% of native entities in just 8 months. Dubai’s DMCC is still home to the majority of blockchain and crypto entities with 600 registered companies, followed by Dubai Economic Department with 420 plus, and IFZA freezone with 200 and DIFC with 110. 

The Crypto Oasis report was published in partnership with DLT Science Foundation and Roland Berger.

To build on the successes of the past years, Crypto Oasis announced in their report the launch of a new initiative, the “Green Block”, an ecosystem for the ESG (Economic Sustainable Goals) part of Web3 to foster a sustainable future by bringing together innovators and entrepreneurs to develop and implement solutions that promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

The Green Block focuses on promoting, leading, and connecting this part of the industry to align with the goals of the UAE.

Saqr Ereiqat, Co-Founder of Crypto Oasis told LaraontheBlock, “We will be launching the Green Block initiative formally during the Future Blockchain Summit in Dubai being held in October. Since this is a UAE centric report and one of the primary themes of the country this year is ESG we follow suit in our report and are currently working on the Green Block initiative in Web3 for COP28.”

Blockchain technology holds particular promise in the fight against climate change for three key reasons: it can amplify voluntary carbon markets to channel billions of dollars towards green investments, facilitate the widespread adoption of parametric insurance for climate events and accelerate development of open data infrastructure necessary to help coordinate global actors.

The Climate COP28 UAE Edition will have the first DigitalArt4Climate & Blockchain4Climate edition. The roadmap for the edition will be discussed on May 2nd 2023 side event which aims to shed light on the game changing potentials of digital innovation especially blockchain as an enabler of societal action for climate empowerment and local SDGs implementation.

The virtual side event will focus on edutainment and youth in an effort to help the UN Climate Conference COP28 in Dubai UAE in December 2023.  The side event is being organized by IAAI GloCha.

The IAAI association is a UNFCCC accredited non-profit organization based in Austria that promotes sustainable development and climate action through the use of innovative technologies, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT). IAAI is a member of the Global Challenges Action Empowerment Consortium (GloCha), which is a network of organizations working together to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges, including poverty, climate change, and inequality with a systemic innovation approach, including culture/education, (blockchain focused) digital innovation and social/organizational innovation.

IAAI is a founding member of the Climate Chain Coalition (CCC) (, the world’s oldest and largest network of organizations which work towards harnessing the potentials of blockchain technology for climate action empowerment.

At the virtual side event IAAI GloCha, the UN Habitat Youth program, the Climate Chain Coalition and partners from the UAE and other parts of the world will present the roadmap towards the DigitalArt4Climate COP28 edition, the Data and digital innovation for citizens and youth climate action empowerment partnership of GloCha and the Climate Chain Coalition (incl. activities in relation to the development of a citizens climate action app), plans for the COP28 Blue zone Digital Innovation/ Blockchain4Climate pavilion in the context of broader networking and capacity building efforts of the global Blockchain4Climate community, etc.

The side event will entail a live web-broadcast on the IAAI GloCha Facebook page & UN Habitat Youth Program Youtube Channel & live and on-demand broadcast coverage on UN WebTV

Irina Karagyaur, Co-coordinator of DA4C & Miroslav Polzer will present the DigitalArt4Climate concept

Presentations will also be made on  DA4C plans for COP28 (DA4C COP28 competition launch at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Conference June 2023 (innovations: music video award category, artists with special needs award (in collaboration with Art for All Center Sharjah, as well as DA4C Edutainment hub @ GITEX Impact in Dubai UAE 16-20 October 2023.

DA4C COP28 edition partners will include Mo Ghoneim, Founder at ArtsHelp, Conscious Crypto Creators program, Ruba Hussain, Art for All Center Sharjah, Dubai Care, Mari Asada, NFT artist & Makoto Okubo, Music4SDGs program & Earth Day Japan Network and Lisa Lang, Climate KIC

UAE’s DMCC, freezone has awarded blockchain AI Columbian startup EatCloud with the Impact scale program award. EatCloud is one of three startups to win cash prizes of $49,000 for ‘DMCC Impact Scale-Up Program Powered by C3’.

The six-month program supports the growth of impact-driven businesses that align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and it represents a part of DMCC’s ESG strategy. As the UAE prepares to host COP28 and lead the conversation that drives the global sustainability agenda, the program comes to an end. Fifteen impact-driven SMEs addressing some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges pitched their companies to a panel of business experts from PwC, Global Ventures, Astrolabs, and Brunswick in a pitch day that marked the end of the program.


The winners of the program are Grocedy, a Nigerian FoodTech platform that aggregates micropayments from low and middle-income earners towards a monthly food subscription and other micro financial services, EatCloud, a Colombian start-up that uses AI and blockchain technology to redistribute surplus food worldwide, reducing waste and supporting food banks globally, and Chefaa, an Egyptian GPS-enabled pharmacy benefits platform that allows patients to order, schedule and refill recurring prescriptions as well as all pharmacy needs. 

Feryal Ahmadi, Chief Operating Officer, DMCC, said, “As DMCC continues to place Dubai at the heart of global trade, it is essential that we also use our platform to have a positive impact on society. This is a momentous year for the UAE where sustainability is center-stage, and it is also integral to DMCC’s strategy. With 15 companies tackling some of the most pressing environmental and social issues we face today, the first edition of the DMCC Impact Scale-Up Program marks a great success in working towards this goal. Congratulations to all the participants in the program – we are excited to see your successes and your positive impact in the coming years.” 

Khalid Kalbat, Director of Small and Medium Enterprises Development Department at the Ministry of Economy of UAE, added, “This program is a testament to the UAE’s commitment to social and environmental impact and to promoting entrepreneurship in the region. I commend DMCC and C3 for their efforts in enabling participating businesses to establish a presence in the UAE and leverage our local ecosystem as a launchpad to successfully expand across the MEA region.”

 All SMEs participating in the program became part of DMCC’s fast-growing community of over 22,000 member companies, receiving a bespoke 70% discount on license fees and flexi-desk space for two years. Further discounts on license renewals will also be offered for the following three years.

This comes as DMCC signed on two major blockchain partnerships this week.