UAE Homegrown Fils fintech platform which employs blockchain launched prior to Cop28 to integrate sustainable values into the core of digital payments.

Fils aims to bring together buyers with capital and suppliers with high integrity carbon credits.

Nameer Khan, the founder of Fils and chairman of the Mena Fintech Association (MFTA), has designed along with his team a holistic, enterprise-grade B2B2C product offering, Fils leverages the power of leading technologies including Blockchain for its end-to-end infrastructure to transform various industries, including financial services, hospitality, and e-commerce.

This makes it easier for businesses to act on the core values of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), said Khan, adding that major partnerships with some of the leading names in the industry would be announced soon.

Khan said Fils is poised to transform the world of ESG, through an API-first digital payment infrastructure that makes sustainability a lifestyle and can be easily embedded into platforms across sectors. He stated, “Fils is a catalyst for the evolution of ESG enforcement and has the right team, technology, experience and expertise to lead the market. With our robust infrastructure, it spells the end of greenwashing and clears a path towards greater accountability and implementation of actionable outcomes that can improve the sustainability of the world we live in.”

Prior to this UAE Ghad Capital partners celebrated the launch of Fils which they stated employed blockchain and AI for a transparent secure payment infrastructure, supporting 17 UN SDGs.
